Uzziniet, kā veiksmīgi iepazīstināt klientus ar SaaS produktu, izmantojot LiveAgent e-pastu paraugus. Iepazīstināšanas e-pasti palielina klientu iesaisti un ieņēmumus par 51%. Izmantojiet 8 paraugus, kas sniedz noderīgu informāciju un uzlabo klientu pieredzi.
Klientu iepazīstināšana ar produktu ir viens no būtiskākajiem saskares punktiem jebkuram SaaS uzņēmumam. Sniedziet saviem klientiem visus rīkus, resursus un zināšanas, kas tiem nepieciešamas, lai gūtu panākumus darbā ar jūsu produktu vai pakalpojumu, jo tas ir labākais veids, kā nodrošināt ilgtermiņa sadarbību ar klientu! Tomēr daudzi uzņēmumi kļūdās un pārāk ātri pārtrauc iepazīstināšanas aktivitātes (bieži vien pēc viena iepazīšanās e-pasta nosūtīšanas). Lai gan sveiciena e-pasti var radīt lielisku pirmo iespaidu, tie nepalīdz jūsu klientiem gūt panākumus un nenotur tos.
Rūpīgi pārdomāti e-pasti palielinās klientu iesaisti, uzlabos klientu pieredzi un noturēs tos, uzlabos klientu sadarbības ilgumu ar jums un palielinās gūtos ieņēmumus. Ir pierādīts, ka vairāku iepazīstināšanas e-pastu sūtīšana nodrošina vidēji par 51% vairāk ieņēmumu nekā viena sveiciena e-pasta nosūtīšana.
Efektīvai SaaS produktu iepazīstināšanas e-pastu sērijai vajadzētu ietvert vairākus e-pastus, kas jaunajiem klientiem sniedz daudz noderīgas informācijas – apmācības, video rokasgrāmatas, padomus par produktu lietošanu, labo praksi, gadījumu izpēti – vai jebko citu, kas var izglītot klientus un palīdzēt viņiem iegūt maksimālo vērtību no jūsu produkta vai pakalpojuma. Esam sagatavojuši 8 produktu e-pastu sagataves, kuras varat izmantot savā klienta e-pastu sērijā, kas būs vairāk par vienkāršu sasveicināšanos.
Hopefully, you’ve had a chance to [complete setting up your account/ navigate around, etc.].
Over the next couple of weeks, we’ll be sending you a few more emails to help you get the most out of [Product/ service]. We’ll be sharing helpful tips, checking in with you, and showing you how some of our customers use [Product/ service] to [achieve specific goals].
For now, here are our best resources that might help you get started:
Step-by-Step [Product/ service] Guide
Knowledge Base & Video Tutorials
Frequently Asked Questions
Community Forum
If you have any questions, problems, or concerns – please feel free to reach out and ask before getting frustrated.
We built [Product/ service] to help businesses [overcome certain pain points/ reach specific goals] and I hope that we can achieve that for you.
Here are some of the most important first steps I recommend taking to get started with [Product/ service]:
Step 1: [details]
Step 2: [details]
Step 3: [details]
Step 4: [details]
We also put together a short video for you to learn the ins and outs of [Product/ service]. You can check it out here: The Complete [Product/ service] Guide (in less than 10 minutes)
If you have any questions or hit any bumps in the road, please reply to this email, start a chat with our support team or visit our Help Center – we’re here for you 24/7.
Glad to see that you’re up and running with [Product/ service]!
In the next few emails, I’ll be sending you some tips to help you leverage the power of [Product/ service]. [Using top features, setting up automation, managing third-party integrations, etc.] – I’ll walk you through all that and more. Keep an eye on your inbox so you don’t miss a thing!
To get started, here’s a quick heads up on the three things that will save you a bunch of time in the long run:
Pro Tip 1: [details]
Pro Tip 2: [details]
Pro Tip 3: [details]
P.S. In the next email I’m going to show you how to [use a certain feature to reach a specific goal].
If you ever have any questions, I’m here to help – just hit reply.
Until next time,
As a new user, you’re now able to [use advanced product features to reach specific goals].
I want to help you get started by offering you a free one on one walkthrough of [Product/ service].
People in the past have found these sessions to prove both useful and helpful in highlighting the key features of [Product/ service] and also managed to gain some tips and tricks along the way. These walkthroughs usually last between 20-30 minutes, with plenty of time for questions.
To book an appointment, please click here and choose the most suitable time for you. Alternatively, let me know what time works for you.
Once again, thank you for choosing [Product/ service].
Many people using [Product/service] for the first time are overwhelmed by its potential, but they aren’t immediately sure of how it can help them [achieve specific goals].
That’s why today I want to share a quick video that tells the story of [Other customer’s name], [Job role] at [Company]. He shares a behind-the-scenes look at exactly how he uses [Product/ service] to [reach desired goals].
I think it’ll give you some cool ideas for how you can get the most out of your new [Product/ service].
Watch the Video Here
Hopefully, you‘ve been rocking it with [Product/ service] so far. And who knows, maybe you’ll be our next success story!
Have you ever downloaded a free eBook?
Of course, you have! Who hasn’t? But have you ever actually read an eBook that you downloaded?
If you’re like most busy [marketers/ salespeople/ business owners, etc.], the answer is a resounding no! Why? Because most eBooks are too long, too boring, and offer little if any value.
Fortunately, our eBooks are not like that. Today I’d like to share with you one of the most popular resources we’ve ever put out: [Name of the eBook].
It’s packed with actionable tips and tricks for getting the most out of your [marketing/ sales, etc.] strategies that you can apply today. The best part? We’ve written it so you can easily read it on your lunch break and take action immediately after returning to your desk.
Download Your Free eBook Now
[Product] is the [engine/ platform/ tool] that helps you [listing key benefits of your product or service]. We’re also here to provide tons of great resources to set you up for success, starting now.
Join us for a webinar, “Getting Started with [Product]”. A Customer Success Coach will guide you through [Product] to ensure you get the most value, as soon as possible.
Register Now
We also have a variety of [lessons/ tutorials/ guides] to teach you how to use [Product’s features] at your own pace and can be viewed at any time.
If you’re like most [marketers/ sales managers/ e-tailers, etc.], you’re focused on [performing specific actions to reach specific goals]. The truth is, it isn’t easy, and it isn’t always quick. But it is possible when you have the right strategies in place.
Today I want to tell you about a free live training I’m hosting:
Link to a Free Live Training Registration
In it, I’ll discuss how some of our customers like [Customer 1, Customer 2, and Customer 3] are using [Product/ service] to [achieve specific goals]. You’ll gain insights and actionable practices from industry leaders that you can put into action right away.
I would LOVE for you to attend. Even if you can’t join live, register now and I’ll send you the recorded webcast that you can watch at your convenience.
Give your users the best start possible and set the stage for long-term customer success
Elevate your SaaS product onboarding experience with LiveAgent's comprehensive templates.
Ar SaaS apzīmē ‘programmatūru kā pakalpojumu’. SaaS ir programmatūras produkts, kas tiek nodrošināts internetā. SaaS nodrošinātājs glabā lietojumprogrammu savos serveros.
Veiksmīgākie SaaS produktu iepazīstināšanas e-pasti ir no 6 līdz 12 teikumiem gari.
Daži SaaS produktu piemēri ir Mailchimp, Slack, LiveAgent un Salesforce.
Atklājiet LiveAgent e-pasta šablonus, kas palīdzēs jums ātri un efektīvi veidot uzņēmuma e-pasta kampaņas. Pielāgojiet šablonus klientu apkalpošanai, atzinībai un atsauksmēm, lai uzlabotu klientu pieredzi un samazinātu atbildes laiku. Iepazīstieties ar mūsu padomiem un šabloniem e-pastu iesākšanai un noslēgšanai, kā arī uzlabojiet klientu apmierinātību ar pārdomātām šablonu sagatavēm. Apmeklējiet mūs un uzlabojiet savas komunikācijas prasmes jau šodien!
Atgādinājuma e-pasta sagataves
Apmeklējiet LiveAgent, lai atklātu efektīvas atgādinājuma e-pasta sagataves un labākās prakses, kas palīdzēs novērst netīšus maksājumu neveiksmes. Pievienojieties uzņēmumiem, kas uzticas mūsu risinājumiem un atgūst zaudētos ieņēmumus. Izmēģiniet bezmaksas un bez saistībām!
Pēcpārdošanas e-pasta sagataves
Atklājiet, kā pēcpārdošanas e-pasta sagataves var nostiprināt klientu lojalitāti un veicināt atkārtotus darījumus. Iegūstiet 10 efektīvas veidnes, kas palīdzēs veidot ilgtermiņa attiecības un uzlabot klientu pieredzi. Uzziniet, kā optimizēt jūsu e-pasta mārketinga stratēģiju ar LiveAgent!
Sadarbības pārtraukšanas e-pastu paraugs
Sadarbības pārtraukšanas e-pasti SaaS biznesiem: ieteikumi un veidnes, lai saglabātu klientu attiecības un uzlabotu pakalpojumus.
Join our community of happy clients and provide excellent customer support with LiveAgent.
Mūsu mājaslapa izmanto sīkdatnes. Turpinot, mēs pieņemam, ka Jūs dodat atļauju izvietot sīkfailus, kā ir aprakstīts mūsu privātuma un sīkdatņu politiku.