10 lojalitātes programmas e-pasta sagataves, kas palīdz saglabāt klientus un veicināt pārdošanu. Investīcija lojalitātes programmās samazina klientu neapmierinātību un palielina zīmola atbalstu. Izmēģiniet bezmaksas LiveAgent kontu.
Lai gan klientu ieguve uzņēmumam var šķist labāks ieguldījums, daudzi pētījumi ir pierādījuši, ka ilgtermiņā jaunu klientu piesaiste var maksāt jūsu uzņēmumam pat 7 reizes vairāk nekā esošo klientu noturēšana. Ja runa ir par klientu noturēšanu, lojalitātes programmas var būt jaudīgs rīks, kas mudina tos atgriezties, samazina klientu neapmierinātības līmeni un palielina jūsu pārdošanas apjomu. Izlasot šo rakstu, jūs uzzināsit, kāpēc lojalitātes programmās ir vērts ieguldīt, kā arī 10 e-pasta sagatvju piemērus, ko varat izmantot savās zīmola lojalitātes programmas mārketinga kampaņās.
Klientu lojalitātes programma ir atlīdzību programma, ko uzņēmums piedāvā saviem klientiem, lai mudinātu tos iegādāties vairāk, piedāvājot noteiktas priekšrocības. Tās var ietvert atlaides, bezmaksas preces, produktus pirms to oficiālās iznākšanas, ekskluzīvas preces vai jebkuru citu nozīmīgu atlīdzību. Lai gan tie bieži tiek izmantoti jaunu klientu piesaistīšanai, lojalitātes programmu galvenais mērķis ir saglabāt esošos klientus, veicināt lojalitāti un atbalstu zīmolam.
Dažādi pētījumi par klientu lojalitāti atklāja, ka lojalitātes programmas var nodrošināt milzīgu vērtību jebkuram uzņēmumam. Šeit ir tikai daži iespaidīgi statistikas dati:
iVend veiktajā aptaujā konstatēts, ka gandrīz 63% pasaules patērētāju dod priekšroku saziņas saņemšanai no uzņēmumiem pa e-pastu, kas padara e-pastu par vienu no efektīvākajiem kanāliem lojalitātes programmu dalības veicināšanai. Tālāk ir norādītas 10 pamatsagataves, kuras varat izmantot lojalitātes programmas e-pasta kampaņās, lai uzlabotu klientu piesaisti, uzlabotu ilgtermiņa attiecības ar klientiem un palielinātu pārdošanas apjomu.
We’re thrilled to announce the launch of our new [Loyalty Program Name]. We’ve added lots of exciting and exclusive rewards to say thank you to our amazing customers, like you!
Earn [X] points for every $** you spend [online and/or in-store] to unlock exclusive rewards.
[Reward Title 1] – [***] points to redeem
[Reward Title 2] – [***] points to redeem
[Reward Title 3] – [***] points to redeem
Have a question? We’re here to help. Contact us today or visit our FAQs.
Welcome to [Business name] and thank you for signing up! Please enjoy 15% OFF your first purchase at [www.website.com]. Just enter [code] at checkout.
By the way, did you know about all the exclusive perks that you can receive for joining our loyalty program? Just to name a few …
[Benefit #1]
[Benefit #2]
[Benefit #3]
If you have any questions or ever need help, feel free to email us at [email address], call us at [phone number] or visit our FAQs.
Welcome to [Loyalty Program Name] Rewards! Now you can earn points every time you shop online or in our stores. Redeem your points for fun rewards, like free products and special discounts.
As a thank you for joining [Business’s] Loyalty Program, we have credited you with 50 points, and you are now on your way to your first reward.
100 points are all you need to get your first free product/ discount – here are two quick ways to get there:
Like our Facebook page (50 points)
Follow [Brand] on Instagram (50 points)
When you’re done, you can check your points balance and find more ways to earn points by visiting our website.
If you have any questions or need help – feel free to email us at [email address] or give us a call at [phone number].
Thanks for becoming part of our community!
We hardly need to tell you that the more points you earn, the more you get. You are now only ** $/ ** points away from [Loyalty Program Name] Gold Level Rewards! At this level you’ll enjoy:
[Benefit #1]
[Benefit #2]
[Benefit #3]
Earning more points is easy!
Place an order: ** points
Refer a friend: ** points
Follow us on social media: ** points
Make a product review: ** points
Thanks for your continued loyalty.
We’re thrilled to report that you just leveled up to our [tier name] tier!
You’re about to enjoy exclusive opportunities, including early access to [tier name]-only sales throughout the year, and even more points for every single purchase you make.
Enjoy, and thanks for being an amazing customer!
Thanks for being a loyal [Loyalty Program Name] member! Check out your monthly membership statement below.
Status: Active Member
Points balance: ***
Expiring points: *** points expiring on [dd/mm/yy]
Points to next level: ***
Earn even more points when you shop our special deals now through [date].
Got questions? We’ve got answers! Visit our FAQs to see if we’ve covered your question, call us at [number] or start a live chat with our service reps.
This is just a friendly reminder that your [Customer Loyalty Rewards Program] points will expire at the end of the year (December 31st, 2020). Make sure to redeem your points on any order before this date– they will not roll over into 2021!
Your current balance is ***points.
Any questions or issues? Send us a message – we’re always happy to help!
We just wanted you to know that WE MISSED YOU since we haven’t seen you in a while. So we’ve decided to credit your account with *** points!
The more points you earn, the more benefits you get access to. Here’s a quick reminder of how to earn more points:
SHOP: Spend $** and get ** points
REFER FRIENDS: Get ** points when they place their first order
FACEBOOK: Like our Facebook page and get ** points
INSTAGRAM: Follow us on Instagram and get ** points
Have questions or need help redeeming your points? We would be more than happy to assist you via [email], [phone number], or live chat.
Thank you for being a [Brand] customer and part of our family.
[copy button="yes"]
You’ve been a valued member of [Brand’s] loyalty program for [period of time] now. Don’t you think it’s time you let the world know? We’ll reward you if you do!
Give $** and get ** points when you refer a friend
Send your below unique $** discount code to your friends
Your friend gets $** off their purchase
You get ** Rewards Points when your friend completes their purchase
Your current rewards points balance is: ***
Copy and paste this code and share amongst friends: CODE
Any questions or issues? We’re always here to help. Thanks for being an awesome customer!
From all of us at [Company], we wanted to take a moment to wish you the happiest of birthdays! Here’s another reason to celebrate: we’ve just added [reward amount] points to your account!
Thanks for being a loyal customer and we hope you enjoy your special day.
Free templates and a free trial?
That's right! Enjoy a free 30-day trial on us. Test all that LiveAgent has to offer, including email templates and canned messages.
Klienta iekļaušanas e-pasta sagataves
LiveAgent piedāvā klientu iekļaušanas e-pasta sagataves, lai veicinātu lojalitāti, uzlabotu sadarbību un piesaistītu jaunus klientus!
Atklājiet LiveAgent e-pasta šablonus, kas palīdzēs jums ātri un efektīvi veidot uzņēmuma e-pasta kampaņas. Pielāgojiet šablonus klientu apkalpošanai, atzinībai un atsauksmēm, lai uzlabotu klientu pieredzi un samazinātu atbildes laiku. Iepazīstieties ar mūsu padomiem un šabloniem e-pastu iesākšanai un noslēgšanai, kā arī uzlabojiet klientu apmierinātību ar pārdomātām šablonu sagatavēm. Apmeklējiet mūs un uzlabojiet savas komunikācijas prasmes jau šodien!
Pēcpārdošanas e-pasta sagataves
Atklājiet, kā pēcpārdošanas e-pasta sagataves var nostiprināt klientu lojalitāti un veicināt atkārtotus darījumus. Iegūstiet 10 efektīvas veidnes, kas palīdzēs veidot ilgtermiņa attiecības un uzlabot klientu pieredzi. Uzziniet, kā optimizēt jūsu e-pasta mārketinga stratēģiju ar LiveAgent!
E-pasta sagataves nosūtīšanai pēc pasākuma
Atrast piemērotas e-pasta sagataves pēc pasākuma? LiveAgent piedāvā 10 bezmaksas paraugus attiecību uzturēšanai un atsauksmju iegūšanai!
Join our community of happy clients and provide excellent customer support with LiveAgent.
Mūsu mājaslapa izmanto sīkdatnes. Turpinot, mēs pieņemam, ka Jūs dodat atļauju izvietot sīkfailus, kā ir aprakstīts mūsu privātuma un sīkdatņu politiku.