B2B ieteikumu e-pasta sagataves palīdz uzņēmumiem veicināt klientu uzticību un iedrošināt produktu ieteikumus. Tās uzlabo zīmola atpazīstamību un palielina datplūsmu, piedāvājot efektīvus mārketinga risinājumus dažādiem klientu veidiem.
Tā kļūst par vispārpieņemtām uzņēmējdarbības izpratni, ka esošo klientu noturēšana ir visu uzņēmumu pastāvēšanas un panākumu pamats. Tomēr jaunu klientu iegūšana joprojām ir svarīgākais uzņēmējdarbības izaugsmes virzītājspēks, jo īpaši B2B nozarē. Šis ir moments, kad priekšplānā izvirzās ieteikumu mārketings. Daudzi pētījumi ir pierādījuši, ka ieteikumi rada vienus no augstākajiem reklāmguvumu līmeņiem visos tirdzniecības kanālos. Turpiniet lasīt, lai uzzinātu, kāpēc ieteikumu mārketings ir tik iedarbīgs un vērtīgs B2B uzņēmumiem un kā jūs varat lūgt saviem pašreizējiem klientiem, lai tie ieteiktu jūsu uzņēmumu (iekļautas 10 B2B klientu ieteikumu e-pasta sagataves).
LiveAgent apvieno izcilu tiešsaistes tērzētavu, biļešu sistēmu un automatizāciju, kas ļauj Jums sniegt lielisku atbalstu saviem klientiem.
Hope things are going well with you.
I’m so glad to hear that [Product/ Service name] has been working so well for you and your team. I knew that we’d be able to drive significant impact for [their Company].
Given the success you’ve seen, I wondered if you might know of any [friends/ colleagues/ other companies in the area] who are also looking to [achieve specific goals] and would benefit from our [product/ service]. I would love to help them achieve similar growth.
If so, could you facilitate an intro? I’d be happy to sit down with them afterward for a completely free 1-hour consultation to figure out their needs and what we could offer them.
If they want to know more about what we do, feel free to direct them to our website: www.yourwebsite.com.
Let me know if anyone comes to mind, or if there’s anything else I can do for you.
I’m happy to hear you’ve had such a great experience with our team so far. I knew we could help, and I’m pleased you’re seeing results so quickly.
I trust our team will take care of you through the rest of the onboarding process, but you can always reach back out to me with any questions. In the meantime, since things are going well, do you know anyone else who might want similar results?
I’ll gladly meet up with them and discuss how we can work together.
Best Regards,
I hope you’re doing well.
As I mentioned during our last [meeting/ call], I have time on my hands now that our project is over. Once again, I’m happy that we managed to pull off such awesome results together! Do you by any chance know somebody who’d be interested in our services?
In case anyone comes to mind, just point them to our website www.yourwebsite.com, and I’ll take it from there.
I just saw that you gave us a great score on the customer satisfaction survey you completed a few days ago. I’m so happy to hear we’ve met — and maybe even exceeded — your expectations with [Product/ Service name].
Can you please do me a favor? I’m trying to find others who would benefit from the same features you’ve enjoyed. Is there anyone you can think of who might also have a need for our [product/ service]?
Thanks in advance,
It’s been a few weeks since we wrapped up our work together — I hope everything is still going well with you and the team.
I know I’ve asked before, but is there anyone you can introduce me to that might also be interested in our [product/ service]? I’d hate for them to miss out if they’re [experiencing the same pain point you were].
Are you satisfied with [Product/ Service name]? Then share your positive experience with your peers so that they can [major benefit your product or service provides].
As a thank you, you will receive [perks for the customer]. Learn how our referral program works below:
[Brand’s Referral Program details]
Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or need assistance – we’re always here to help!
I hope you’re doing well!
I’m not sure if I’ve mentioned it to you before, but I’ve been working with [Your name/ Company name] for [number] years now and I’ve had a really great experience. So I wanted to connect you two because I thought [his/ her/ their] [product/ service] might be of use to you, too, based on our previous conversations.
I’ve cc’ed [Your name] to put you directly in touch. I’ll let you folks take it from here and decide if [Your name/ Company name]’s [product/ service] is a good fit for you, too!
I just wanted to drop you a line to thank you for referring your [colleague/ friend] [Referral name] to [Your company]!
I’m excited to share that we’re going to work together on [Project/ Service/ Initiative] over the next several months, and hopefully [Your product/service offering] will be as helpful for them as it has been for you.
As a thank you for making the connection, I’ve asked our accounting team to issue a $*** credit to you. You should see it appear on your next invoice, but please contact me if you have any issues.
Thanks again, and please let me know if you can think of anyone else I should reach out to.
I look forward to talking again soon.
I wanted to take a moment to thank you for referring [Referral name] to me.
It means so much to me that you were happy enough with the work that we did together to share my name with someone who you want to see succeed. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to help [him/her/them] [details on what you help with], too.
If I can be of service at any point in the future, please don’t hesitate to reach out – I’d be thrilled to work together again.
Thanks again for referring [Referral name] to me. Unfortunately, it doesn’t look like we’re a fit for each other right now. But if that changes and they sign up for a service plan in the future that qualifies you for our referral bonus, I’ll let you know right away.
As always, feel free to reach out, if there’s anything I can do for you.
Ieteikumu mārketings ir mārketinga metode, kas ar mutvārdu palīdzību rada potenciālos pirkumus. Ieteikumu mārketings ir paredzēts, lai palīdzētu uzņēmumiem iegūt jaunus klientus, mudinot esošos klientus ieteikt jūs.
Ja jums ir laba reputācija, ir lielāka iespēja, ka klienti ieteiks jūs citiem uzņēmumiem. Liveagent, palīdzības dienesta programmatūra, ļauj sekot klientu apkalpošanas pieprasījumiem un laika gaitā uzlabot savu reputāciju.
Ieteikumu e-pastu priekšrocības ir lielāka klientu noturība, labāka iesaiste un jauni klienti.
Atklājiet LiveAgent e-pasta šablonus, kas palīdzēs jums ātri un efektīvi veidot uzņēmuma e-pasta kampaņas. Pielāgojiet šablonus klientu apkalpošanai, atzinībai un atsauksmēm, lai uzlabotu klientu pieredzi un samazinātu atbildes laiku. Iepazīstieties ar mūsu padomiem un šabloniem e-pastu iesākšanai un noslēgšanai, kā arī uzlabojiet klientu apmierinātību ar pārdomātām šablonu sagatavēm. Apmeklējiet mūs un uzlabojiet savas komunikācijas prasmes jau šodien!
Atgādinājuma e-pasta sagataves
Apmeklējiet LiveAgent, lai atklātu efektīvas atgādinājuma e-pasta sagataves un labākās prakses, kas palīdzēs novērst netīšus maksājumu neveiksmes. Pievienojieties uzņēmumiem, kas uzticas mūsu risinājumiem un atgūst zaudētos ieņēmumus. Izmēģiniet bezmaksas un bez saistībām!
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Atkārtotas iesaistes e-pasta sagataves
Iegūstiet klientu atpakaļ ar efektīvām atkārtotas iesaistes e-pasta sagatavēm! Uzziniet, kā atkārtoti piesaistīt neaktīvus klientus vai abonentus un palielināt pārdošanas rādītājus, izmantojot LiveAgent bezmaksas e-pasta veidnes. Saglabājiet esošos klientus, lai palielinātu peļņu un samazinātu izmaksas!
Join our community of happy clients and provide excellent customer support with LiveAgent.
Mūsu mājaslapa izmanto sīkdatnes. Turpinot, mēs pieņemam, ka Jūs dodat atļauju izvietot sīkfailus, kā ir aprakstīts mūsu privātuma un sīkdatņu politiku.