Kas ir web logrīks?
Web logrīks, citur saukts arī par kontakta logrīku, ir daļa mājaslapas html/javascript koda. Web logrīks var parādīties kā čata poga, uzaicinājums uz saraksti vai kā atsauksmes forma.
Šādi izskatās tipisks web logrīks:

What is a web widget?
A web widget is a web application or a page element that is built into the website but is independent of it. The widget requests access to content that the page cannot access. It can have different forms, e.g. a chat button or a contact form.
How can I embed LiveAgent live chat widget to a website?
OLive chat is a very popular customer support channel. Thanks to it, the help obtained by customers is fast and timely. How to integrate the widget with your website? 1. Choose a live chat provider. There are many options on the market, so be sure to read them carefully to choose the best one that suits your business needs. 2. Register on the site. Most of the software offers a trial period of their tool, so if you are unsure, subscribe to the software for a trial period. 3. Add a live chat button to your website. After registering, you select the button and paste the HTML code on your website. 4. Customize the live chat widget. You can adjust the widget accordingly, e.g. by modifying the designs of online and offline buttons, chat windows, language, text, and the way the chat is displayed. 5. Enable proactive chat invitations. The proactivity feature is common among chat spiders. You can define whether you want it to be displayed on every page or only on selected subpages. 6. Create a list of ready-made answers. Ready answers automate your work and thus improve it.
What does the web widget look like?
The live chat widget usually looks like a messenger. There may be, for example, a bar or a circle on the website that, when clicked (or automatically), opens a chat and conversation window. They are usually not large and take up a smaller part of the site.
Ja vēlaties uzlabot savu klientu apkalpošanu, apsveriet iespēju izlasīt vairāk par palīdzības pieteikuma veidlapu. Šī informācija var būt noderīga, lai efektīvāk apstrādātu klientu pieprasījumus.
Ja meklējat integrācijas iespējas, izpētiet Pabbly integrāciju. Tas palīdzēs jums saprast, kā automatizēt procesus un uzlabot darba plūsmu.
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