Šī lapa piedāvā kontaktinformāciju Telegram Palīdzības Dienestam, tostarp e-pastu, tērzētavu, un sociālo tīklu saites. Tā sniedz arī informāciju par pieejamajām tehnoloģijām un pakalpojumiem.
Izskatās, ka Jūs mēģinat sazināties ar Telegram klientu atbalsta komandu. Diemžēl, mēs neesam saistīti ar Telegram atbalsta komandu. Mēs esam divi dažādi uzņēmumi. Taču, lai atvieglotu Jums dzīvi, esam atraduši Telegram klientu atbalsta kontaktdatus. Lūdzu, sazinieties ar Telegram pārstāvjiem pa tiešo, izmantojot kontaktinformāciju, kas ir noradīta zemāk.
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You can use Telegram on smartphones, tablets, and even computers. They have apps for iOS (9.0 and above), Android (4.1 and up), a native macOS app and a universal desktop app for Windows, macOS, and Linux. Telegram Web can also help to quickly do something on the go.
You can log in to Telegram from as many of your devices as you like — all at the same time. Just use your main mobile phone number to log in everywhere, your cloud chats will sync instantly.
The Telegram API is open for developers, should you want to build your own applications for other platforms.
Yes. You can always delete any messages you sent or received for both sides in any one-on-one conversation (in groups, it’s still your own messages only). You can also clear the entire chat history on both ends. On Telegram, deleted messages do not leave a mark in the chat.
Together with privacy settings for forwarded messages, this makes exchanging Telegram messages similar to talking face to face (without a tape recorder). As a result, users no longer need to worry about the data accumulating in their chats over the years.
Both parties in a conversation have full control over what does and what doesn’t belong to their online identity.
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