HiBid klientu atbalsta kontaktinformācija e-komercijas izsolēm: e-pasts support@auctionflex.com, zvanu centrs +1 844-775-4774, sociālo mediju atbalsts Instagram, Facebook, Twitter. Izpratne par biežākajām problēmām un risinājumiem, piemēram, paroles atjaunošana un piegādes nosacījumi.
Izskatās, ka Jūs mēģinat sazināties ar HiBid klientu atbalsta komandu. Diemžēl, mēs neesam saistīti ar HiBid atbalsta komandu. Mēs esam divi dažādi uzņēmumi. Taču, lai atvieglotu Jums dzīvi, esam atraduši HiBid klientu atbalsta kontaktdatus. Lūdzu, sazinieties ar HiBid pārstāvjiem pa tiešo, izmantojot kontaktinformāciju, kas ir noradīta zemāk.
Hibid ir tiešsaistes izsoļu platforma, kas nodrošina tīmekļa apraides izsoles, izsoles, kas norit tikai internetā un interneta neklātienes vairāksolīšanu.
Experiencing problems with this software?
Take a look at our list of the most common problems and find out how you can solve them.
If you have forgotten your Login ID or Password, simply click on “Reset Password” on login screen, enter the e-mail address that you used when you registered in the box below and click “Retrieve Login”. Your login information will be sent to your e-mail address.
HiBid charges a handling fee for packing and shipping purchases. Shipping costs are the responsibility of the buyer and will be charged to the buyer’s credit card.
They do not ship internationally.
They use USPS Priority mail, FedEx, or UPS and only ship items with a tracking number.
There are some restrictions on shipping items that are over 50lbs or larger than 30” in height, length, or width (with the exception of firearms).
There is a $5 handling fee for each Priority Mail box, a $10 handling fee for larger items, and a $15 handling fee for shipping firearms.
Insurance is available for 2% of the item’s value with a minimum of $20 and must be filed within 3 business days of the shipment’s arrival.
All ammunition and magazines must be shipped to an FFL and there is a $5 handling fee per package.
Fragile or large items will be taken to a local FedEx location for packing and shipping at the buyer’s expense, with an additional $10 transportation fee.
HiBid is not responsible for damages or missing items during shipping.
All firearm purchases require a Federal Background Check or Federal Firearms License and some items may not be compliant with NYS regulations.
You will receive an email regarding your winning lot(s) and total cost. After we have received the payment, the items will be shipped to the billing address you provided at the time of registration, unless you provide us a different shipping address or requested a pickup.
If you wish to make changes in the information you provided or need additional services such as resizing, please notify us within 24 hours of the auction closing.
Hibid ir tiešsaistes izsoļu platforma, kas nodrošina tīmekļa apraides izsoles, izsoles, kas norit tikai internetā un interneta neklātienes vairāksolīšanu.
HiBid klientu apkalpošanas komanda piedāvā šādus atbalsta kanālus: e-pasts, zvanu centrs, sociālo mediju atbalsts.
Jūs varat sazināties ar HiBid, nosūtot viņiem e-pastu, zvanot uz viņu palīdzības tālruni vai atstājot ziņu kādā no sociālo mediju platformām.
Ar viņu atbalstu var sazināties, rakstot e-pastu uz support@auctionflex.com.
Nē, HiBid nav tiešsaistes čata atbalsta.
Ja dodat priekšroku tālruņa atbalstam, varat sazināties pa to palīdzības tālruni +1 844-775-4774.
Join our community of happy clients and provide excellent customer support with LiveAgent.
Mūsu mājaslapa izmanto sīkdatnes. Turpinot, mēs pieņemam, ka Jūs dodat atļauju izvietot sīkfailus, kā ir aprakstīts mūsu privātuma un sīkdatņu politiku.